Speech never really seems to go my way. It depends a lot on memory and my own whims. I’m not sure if they are ever reliable.

Memory is useful for speech, because memory allows the speaker to communicate effectively to a recipient. Memory gives the speaker necessary details about who they are speaking to. For example the speaker could remember that the recipient loves pizza, and the speaker could offer a free pizza.

Then conversational whims enable the speaker to engage the audience. Witty comments or depressing stories will grasp the audience’s attention, and the audience will have no excuse but to pay attention.

I don’t think I have either very often. Nobody listens, and I am left to myself. I forget who I am speaking to, therefore I can not engage the audience in a proper way. Neither am I all that smart for speech. I hope I can communicate better.

I do have a history of overcoming communication barriers. When I was young, I was a hyper kid with a stutter. My diaphragm wasn’t used to speaking fast to match the speed of my thoughts. It is hard to see me stutter isn’t it? I went to speech therapy lessons during elementary school. With that class, I was able to slow down and calm myself before I spoke.

Throughout high school, I never really did like English classes because of the writing assignments. I was sensitive to critique. I didn’t write very well, I admit I didn’t have an imagination either. Eventually, my mother was able to convince me to listen to her when she evaluated my papers.

Even when I was in another country learning Spanish, communication was difficult. But I learned Spanish by talking Spanish with every person that I met. Spanish became a personal skill.

So maybe I just need to give more attention to people. That’s definitely one thing I learned with overcoming communication challenges. Be diligent and attentive, and I could probably do better with memory and whims.