It’s presidential election season. There are a few words and phrases that I keep hearing over and over and over and over…
and over…

I don’t think you know what that word means.
Do you know what that word means? Or are you just using that word because it drives the sensations? It feels good to get angry doesn’t it? Anger brings satisifaction to oneself? And then that anger begins to justify one’s own actions? And then it feels even better to justify your anger with someone else that believes to get angry over that same word too? But can you state what that word means?
Have you done your own research to verify the meaning of the word? Or are you depending on someone else’s usage of that word to define what it is? Based off the other person’s usage, could you define what he thinks that word’s definition is? When does a word stop being associated with its definition?
Do you think everything is black and white? The gothic comedy, A Series of Unfortunate Events, has something to say.
“People aren’t either wicked or noble. They’re like chef’s salads, with good things and bad things chopped and mixed together in a vinaigrette of confusion and conflict.”
Can you accurately describe your feelings? It would really help if you can stop repeating the same words and really explain what it is you are trying to express. If you keep repeating yourself… I might have to go all six-finger man on you…