
Barcelona by George Ezra starts to play. Samuel wakes up slowly to an aching body. Yesterday, he and other park rangers helped rescue a man from an avalanche. Thankfully, it was a small avalanche. The dogs were able to find the missing person quickly.

Samuel silences his phone’s alarm. As he got out of bed, Samantha, his German Shepherd dog, comes into the room. Great breed. German Shepherds are the best dogs ever. Their loyalty and smarts give them a huge advantage over other dogs. Samuel gives Samantha a loving pat on the head as he walks into the kitchen.

Samuel glances outside and sees a fresh layer of snow. He dislikes the snow. It is cold and wet. Even then, it does provide a great challenge to his morning jogs. Samuel puts winter athletic gear on himself and Samantha. He heads out the door with Samantha loyally at his side.

At one point during the run, Samuel slips and falls. Samantha licks Samuel’s face. Samuel picks himself back up again to finish the jog. When Samuel and Samantha return to their apartment, Samuel gives Samantha a treat. She deserves it.

It does not take long for Samuel to get ready for work. He showers, he eats, and he dresses in park ranger attire. His olive green coat and faded grey pants give him an official look. The color in the knees of the pants are especially faded.

Samuel is a park ranger, and he loves being one. The views on mountain tops are incredible. The thick dark evergreen forests are calm and serene. He guesses that the snow is excusable. Samuel is meant to be here.

Sam walks into the kitchen to pick up his phone. He notices he has a missed call. Someone probably called him on his jog. Sam pockets the phone and walks to the door. Sam picks up the keys to his Jeep Grand Cherokee and walks out. Samantha is on his heels again. Sam opens a car door for Samantha and they both get in the car. The car starts up and Sam starts to drive. The snow causes Sam to drive more cautiously. But not too much. His Cherokee handles the snow just fine. Samantha sits calmly in the back.