
Sam drives into an old town. It started about 150 years ago when adventurers camped at the mountain. During that time period several adventurers came into the area; consequentially, several lodges appeared. The headquarters for the rangers is built in the center of town. And that is where Samuel goes.

Sam parks his jeep in the headquarters parking lot. There is a diner next door to the headquarters. He lets Samantha out and leads her to the diner for breakfast. Sam claims a table for Samantha and himself.

A waitress comes and gives Samantha a pat on the head. Sam orders an egg biscuit with orange juice, and Sam orders bacon, eggs, and sausages for Samantha. As Sam waits for food, he sits quietly. He thinks about the call in the morning. Sam did not even look for who called, not that it mattered. He probably knew who it was, that is why he ignored it.

The waitress returns with the food, and Samantha’s ears perk up as a plate is put in front of her. Sam takes a bite of his biscuit and motions for Samantha to start eating as well. Samantha devours the food on the plate. Samantha and Sam finish their meals and Sam pays the bill before he leaves.

The ranger headquarters are small. The main building is a small 80’s themed office space. The main building is where reports are written, communication is broadcasted and received, and meetings are held for the rangers. Behind the main building things get more interesting. There is a vehicle depot, a communication antenna, and a basketball court.

Samuel enters the office and heads for his desk with Samantha at his side. Before Samuel even gets to his desk, he can see a blue sticky note stuck to his computer monitor. Blue sticky notes only come from the boss. Oh no. Samuel scans the sticky note and sees that boss actually called him this morning, so Sam does not regret answering the phone in the morning. Although, it was not the person who Sam thought it was.

The sticky note says that campers spotted a wolf pack in the park. Samuel needs to get going immediately to join up with boss and his posse. Samuel rips off the sticky note in frustration because he does not understand why he needs to go when boss has enough help. Samuel logs into his computer to punch in his time. Then Sam leaves the office commanding Samantha to follow.

Samuel opens the back door and walks to the vehicle depot. He checks out a jeep, snow camping equipment, a rifle, and spare ammo. Samuel puts his equipment in the jeep, and he starts driving to the rendezvous. Navigating to the south forest sector is not all that hard. There is a good trail to follow there. Samuel mentally prepares himself for what was to come.