Recent in Andrew Gremlich's Blog is a boutique marketplace featuring the latest fashion trends. did close momentarily and is set to reopen.

Enigma Notes

A versatile, offline-first, end-to-end encrypted, collaborative note taking application.


Reclaim is a privacy-focused application to aid users to reclaim their data.

Socket Print

A project to make a 3D prosthesis socket in order to be printed.

Mischievious Raccoons

I describe an absurd encounter I had with a pair of raccoons

Using Next With Deno

One can use Next.JS with Deno finally!

Getting Data With Hugo (Updated)

What could it look like to get JSON data with Hugo?



Andrew Gremlich's Portfolio

A collection of work that Andrew Gremlich has worked on through out his career.

Creative Writing

Short stories that Andrew Gremlich imagined to write.


A collection of thoughts and essays written by Andrew Gremlich

Software Engineering

Andrew Gremlich's engineering writings